MEMBERS of the public will get another chance to tell developers what they think of plans to redevelop the Westgate Centre.

Plans for the £400m scheme have been submitted to Oxford City Council by developers hoping to transform the shopping centre.

Now the Westgate Oxford Alliance, which is a joint venture between landowners The Crown Estate and Land Securities Group, is asking the people of Oxford for their views on the scheme.

This is the second consultation which the developers have held, with more than 1,200 people taking part in the first one in the summer.

Sara Fuge, development manager for Westgate Oxford Alliance, said: “The excellent turnout for our summer consultation highlighted to us how keen people are for progress on Westgate.

“Submitting our plans represents a major step towards meeting our ambition for a world class shopping destination in Oxford.”

The Westgate Oxford Alliance is planning to include a 10,000sq ft John Lewis store, as well as cafés, restaurants and shops.

The plans also include a two-level basement car park, a rooftop terrace, a cinema and up to 122 new homes. A decision on the planning application is expected to be made early next year, with construction work potentially beginning later in the year and the new centre opening in 2017.

City councillor Colin Cook, the executive board member for city development, said: “It is clearly to be welcomed that the Westgate Oxford Alliance is putting in the effort to listen to the public’s comments on what will come to pass on the Westgate site.

“I certainly hope that the alliance will be able to respond positively to the comments they will no doubt receive.

“Clearly the more advanced the plans become the less opportunity there is for people to have an effective input on those plans so I would encourage people to let the alliance know what their views are.”


  • A series of drop-in sessions will be held at the Westgate Centre itself next week where people can see the plans and the application documents.
  • The drop-in sessions will take place from Thursday, October 24, until Saturday, October 26 between 10am and 5.30pm.
  •  They will be held in the the Westgate Consultation Shop in the shopping centre opposite The Works.