SO now we know the much needed Environmental Impact Assessment, which could have helped stop the demolition of Oxford Stadium has been rejected.

In truth, did any of us ever believe that this Government’s Communities Secretary, Eric Pickles, would put the concerns and needs of the community before those of the faceless venture capitalists seeking to maximise their profits by destroying a social and recreational stadium that has served Oxford for over 80 years.

The undermining of our elected councillors and local democracy has to be resisted, especially when those with the financial resources are doing all they can to make sure they get their own way regardless of the local people’s views and the fears they have about the damage the proposed development will do to their community. Now our hope must be that the council will stand firm to deny the developers planning permission, they must continue to insist that the land is used to meet the community’s diverse recreational needs.

This is very important now that we have a potential buyer who is keen to make the stadium a multi-purpose going concern again.


London Road
