HAVING attended the public meeting on county cuts on October 15, it is clear that the county are resigned to their fate of having to find a further £61m of cuts over the next four years. Yet at the same time the chief executive said “hand on heart” that what they currently provide is “vital” to our community.

These extra cuts are due to central government reducing the grant to the council. Given that these cuts will result in the deterioration in frontline services, given that they could change the fundamental fabric of society and given that they are a result of decisions in Whitehall, I ask, where are our MPs in all this?

I urge all fellow residents to contact their MPs by making appointments at their surgeries to tell them they should be trying harder to make the case of the Oxfordshire settlement.

We live in a democracy after all and I for one want to see our representatives fighting for us on the issues that matter to us all.


Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate, Oxford West and Abingdon