Pupils and students seem to have taken over for the day in these three pictures.

Police dog K9 went on the beat to give 4,000 very excited schoolchildren an important message. K9, a puppet, visited schools in Banbury and the surrounding area warning about the dangers of talking to strangers.

Working with him were crime prevention officer Pc Alan Lawton, Pc Vince Newton and Police Cadet Mark Renwick, from Banbury police station.

K9 is pictured with Cadet Renwick and some of the pupils at St Mary’s School, Banbury. One pupil, Lee Plaice, eight, said: “K9 is great. He told us not to talk to strangers and to say ‘no thank you’ if anyone offers us sweets or a lift in their car.”

In the next picture, sixth-formers at Fitzharry’s School, Abingdon are pictured getting in the party mood, but all in a good cause.

The 80 pupils were holding a rag week in 1986 to raise money for Sobell House hospice at the Churchill Hospital, Oxford.

They were given a choice – pay a fine of 25p if they wore fancy dress and 50p if they wore school uniform. No prizes for guessing which they chose.

Finally, catering students at Oxford Polytechnic were thrown in at the deep end when they took over the running of The Fox pub at Boars Hill in 1990.

The 12 students staffed the bar, kitchen and restaurant, leaving licensees Neil and Ann France to watch from the sidelines.

They produced their own menus, based on an Upstairs, Downstairs theme.

Mrs France, who had suggested giving the students a chance to run the pub for a day, said she was delighted how well they responded to the challenge.

The students’ pay and profits from the day – a total of £220 – went to the haematology department at the John Radcliffe Hospital.