Sir – Those appalled by the Port Meadow student barracks should hurry to oppose proposals for yet another student block, this time just a few feet from Fiddler’s Island.

This application was withdrawn earlier this year in the face of tremendous opposition but is now submitted little changed, presumably in the hope that people will not notice a new application (publicity is limited to a tiny notice on the foothpath) or won’t bother.

This development isn’t even by the University, which, of course, has built hundreds of places to meet its needs, but a private developer hoping to cash in on the destruction already done by the University.

Apart from the never-ending encroachment on precious green spaces — this one will completely change the rural character of the Island and the Thames footpath, with trees coming down, and increased light and noise pollution in this quiet space, enjoyed by so many — the proposal places vulnerable people in a flood risk area: why?

It is also admits that serious contamination with hydrocarbons, metals and asbestos ‘may be a cause for concern to human health, the water environment [ie the Thames!], yet only no proper examination of the site has been made.

The application states that this is not a ‘sensitive area’. Not to the developer, for sure. But it’s precious to the rest of us, and further development here should stop.

Comments close on Thursday, October 17, and can be left here: uk/online-applications/application MSWH3VMFQ9000
Julian Le Vay, Oxford