IN reply to the letter from Councillor Roy Darke, (September 30), I disagree with what he has written in response to our Northway Residents’ Group chairman, Jane Cox.

More than 1,800 residents signed a petition against the Barton Northway link road scheme. Therefore it is clear, that residents want to protect this valuable green space.

Mr Darke is well aware that a link road, from Barton to Northway, would bring devastation to the estate by opening up an entrance which will bring pollution, noise and danger to residents, in particular children using the Foxwell Drive green space.

Mrs Cox’s statements were very accurate in her explanation of the devastation this link road would cause.

I and my fellow residents’ group member, were voted in at a meeting, in Northway Community Centre, by more than 150 residents.

Therefore we don’t purport to represent Northway residents – we actually do represent them.

Mr Darke is the misguided one, as he has stated the traffic would only be a few buses.

This is misleading: the entrance will be open to all buses – and emergency vehicles too.

I wish he would try to actually listen to the wishes of the residents of Northway, whom he purports to represent.

GEORGINA GIBBS, Saxon Way, Northway, Headington