Sir – I write both as a long-term resident of Botley and as an urban designer. I am utterly dismayed at the proposals put forward by Doric Properties for the redevelopment of the West Way shopping centre.

Doric’s scheme has very little, if any, architectural or urban design merit and appears to be simply an attempt to cram as much development on the site as possible, with a view to maximising the developers’ profits.

They have conducted a couple of ‘public consultation’ exercises but have completely failed to listen to what the community wants. They are wrong to suggest that Botley needs regenerating and the local authority must not be taken in by this rhetoric.

Botley might benefit from some sensitive updating and a phased replacement of some of the fabric that dates to the 1970s but what the developers are proposing is completely without justification.

What does not need replacing is the much-loved Elms Parade. This is a fine example of an inter-war shopping parade that gives both character and focus to the community.

Doric’s nasty assertion that because it does not meet English Heritage’s criteria for listing it, therefore, has no heritage merit, is simply untrue.

Anyone who knows anything about historic conservation will understand that heritage value is complex: it involves townscape, as well as setting, along with the sense of place it embodies for local people. Elms Parade has all of these in spades.

Doric’s proposed replacement speaks nothing of Botley. I can only hope that the Vale of White Horse sees sense and rejects this proposal; and that the owners of Elms Parade refuse to sell out.

Dr Alan Reeve, Botley