Sir – We are writing to express our grave disquiet at the possible developments by Doric in Botley.

One of the attractions of this area is the friendly local shopping.

We get the impression that Vale of White Horse District Council regards us as an unfortunate appendage, as they seem quite happy to countenance the demolition of the iconic 1930s arcade of shops, without listening to local opinion. The second ‘consultation’ with Doric proved that they have taken no notice of the many caveats put to them previously.

These can be summed up thus: excessive traffic generation in an area already gridlocked; a desperate need for good-quality affordable housing for young families (not students, who will add very little to the locality); the utter stupidity of demolishing Field House and putting elderly and special needs residents in a tall block; a multiplex cinema which, if needed, would be better sited on the Seacourt redevelopment, thereby perhaps saving our only petrol station; there is far less planned green space than we would have hoped and nothing for a farmers’ market; the enormous blocks would be much closer to West Way than at present and would tower over Arthray Road and the church building.

A plea to Doric: before submitting your plans, consider how you have alienated public opinion. A plea to VWHDC and Botley residents: resist an unnecessary white elephant and ensure we have what Botley wants and needs.

Robin Wilson and Joy Crispin-Wilson, Botley