IT IS remarkable that we launch next year’s OX5 Run with the very real anticipation that it could raise £100,000 for Oxford Children’s Hospital.

We have always been proud to be involved with this great event because it supports such important work treating the county’s and region’s sick youngsters.

But it was not that long ago when the event at Blenheim Palace would raise in the region of £50,000 to £60,000.

Those are not insignificant sums, yet the five-mile race has continued to capture the public’s imagination and grow every year.

This year’s event saw 1,000 entrants for the first time and a new record total of £97,000.

There is absolutely no reason why we can’t see more people running and clearing that six-figure hurdle.

Imagine how much good £100,000 would do at the Children’s Hospital, a first class facility that gives such first class care.

But, for all the work done by the fundraising team at the Oxford University Hospitals Trust and the volunteers on the day who give up their time to help organise the event, it all comes down to people like you who pay their registration fee and then encourage others to sponsor you.

You are the ones who really make a difference so we’re sure we’ll see you there on the start line, with that pot of £100,000 just waiting five miles down the winding Blenheim Palace course.