WHEN the Allen family heard the sound of screeching tyres and realised their beloved dog Topsy was missing, they feared the worst.

But the dog-napped hound has been reunited with her owners after she was found about 30 miles from the family home.

One-year-old Jack Russell Topsy turned up in Slough after going missing for three days following her suspected abduction at the Allen family farm in Blewbury.

The dog followed a man along the pavement in Slough, who took her to the police station, where the clerk recognised her from a Facebook campaign which reached about 100,000 people.

Emily Allen, 29, along with her sisters – Katy, 27, Lucy, 27, and Jess, 22 – and parents Carol and Anthony, say they were all relieved. Emily, a former Oxford Mail reporter, said: “We’re over the moon. Our family is complete again.

“It’s been absolutely lovely to have her back and she’s been having lots of treats, lots of walks and lots of cuddles.

“It wasn’t until she got back to the house that she realised she was back at home. She saw our other dogs and her face lit up.”

Topsy disappeared last Monday at about 5.30pm, at the same time as a car was seen and heard stopping near the farm and then leaving at speed.

A 29-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of theft in connection with the incident. He has been released on bail until November 18.