I AM writing concerning unreliable public transport. I read with interest the letter from David Fogden (October 11) in which he missed the Oxford Bus service he needed as it arrived and departed earlier than the timetable and, as a result, had to use an alternative means of transport to get home.

As someone who for personal circumstances has had to use public transport all my life, I have long been aware of what is given as general advice to travellers and can simply be termed the five minute rule.

That is, that passengers should allow for a leeway of five minutes in respect of their bus if it is a standard route service and conversely it is not judged to be late for the same reason. And indeed Oxford Bus cite early running in their non-liability clause.

If the bus that David missed is beyond the five minute tolerance then he has due cause to be aggrieved but if within it, perhaps he should have considered the possibility that it may arrive a little earlier than expected.

JOHN MACKIE, Hendred Street, Cowley, Oxford