FIRST the fire officers, now the teachers and soon no doubt the postal workers going on strike. Good for them. There is not a single area of public service that is not under attack from this Coalition Government.

David Cameron and Nick Clegg, pictured, tell us the economy is on the mend (despite their best efforts to wreck it). So now is the time to rebuild public services not cut deeper and deeper. How can the economy prosper without decent conditions for our fire officers, teachers and posties?

I take my hat off to all public service workers who work day in, day out, to make Oxford better. It is time we started backing the people who serve our community so well. After all, if your readers can read this, they should thank a teacher.

Cllr JOHN TANNER (Labour), Board Member for a Cleaner, Greener Oxford City, Councillor for Littlemore County, Councillor for Isis, Sunningwell Road, Oxford