FOUR bags of suspected Class A drugs were discovered at a house in Kidlington during a police raid yesterday.

Police officers smashed their way through the door of the property in Lane Close shortly after 11.20am.

A quantity of cash, herbal cannabis worth “several hundred pounds”, and the pouches of powder – believed to be a Class A drug – were seized at the property.

Sgt Stephen Willis, who led the operation, said the raid had come after “several weeks” of planning.

He said: “This warrant is evidence of our commitment to our communities.

“Drug use and supply can have a negative impact on individuals, families and communities and if we receive information that criminality is occurring, we will take positive action.

“I am happy that the amount of cannabis seized today is no longer on the streets of Kidlington.”

A 32-year-old man was arrested at the property on suspicion of possession of Class A drugs with intent to supply and possession of cannabis. He was last night still in custody.

Sgt Willis added: “The warrant will now undoubtedly produce further lines of enquiry that we will need to follow up.

“The team will now consider the evidence we have got and carry out further enquiries and we will then review how we move forward.

“I certainly will not rule out further warrants.”