A HOMELESS charity served up a feast to raise £2,000 for its funds.

A total of 130 people sat down for the same three course meal given to homeless people at the Steppin’ Stone Centre in Magdalen Road run by Oxford charity The Porch.

Guests from the charity, which runs the centre providing day-long support for homeless people, and other groups were given leek and potato soup, chicken casserole and fruit crumble at the meal at The King’s Centre in Ferry Hinksey Road.

The meal on National Homeless Day on Thursday night saw entertainment from Oxford Gospel Choir and folk group What’s Up Folk from Abingdon’s John Mason School.

Director of the charity Nigel Northcott said: “The meal was to raise awareness for World Homelessness Day.

“The message was really about how significant it is. In a city like Oxford we estimate around 60 people sleep rough every night and there are certainly 15 or so identified to the council.

“There are another 200 sofa surfers.”

A question and answer session discussed the charity’s work in Oxford.

Mr Northcott added: “It was superb; there were lots of interesting questions at the meal.

“It was interesting to hear how the police deal with homeless people. They have two officers committed to helping homeless people.

“If homeless people are reported as mission they actually go and look for them to see that they are OK.

“Their aim is not to try and punish them but to keep an eye out.”

Cash raised will go towards the charity’s running costs.