A CAFE could open on the “eyesore” site of a former eco demonstration house in Bicester.

The town council says it is looking at working with an “external partner” who could build and run the café on the land in Garth Park.

It comes weeks after it agreed to continue to use Garth House as its offices following years of debate over the future of the former mansion house.

It is now looking at introducing a café, improving toilets and play equipment in a bid to get Green Flag status for the park.

Policy committee chairman James Porter said: “It is something we will ]be looking at as we prepare the budget.

“We will have the facility there as a base for a more long term use to improve services in the park.

“The park is the jewel in the crown as far as Bicester’s concerned.”

He said previous bids for Green Flag status had failed because there was no refreshment area and poor toilet facilities.

Mr Porter said the cost of the project had yet to be looked at, but he had been involved in a similar project about 15 years ago and a café had cost in the region of £45,000.

Opposition councillor Les Sibley supported the move and said the council needs to go further and bring children’s play parks up to date.