TWO years after celebating becoming the world’s 1,000th Fairtrade town, Witney can finally signpost visitors to the fact.

“Witney Fairtrade Town” notices have been put up on the Congregational Church in Welch Way and the High Street Methodist Church.

The town was granted the status in 2011 after a three-year campaign.

To gain Fairtrade status, a town must get the support of local groups, the council and press, form an action group and persuade businesses to stock Fairtrade products.

Mahalla Mason, group treasurer, said it was hard to find somewhere to put the signs up.

She said: “The churches very kindly allowed us to do this. The Congregational Church isn’t a listed building so there were no problems there but the Methodist Church is, so we managed to put it under where they have a sign already.”

Her husband Don added: “This is a happy example of two churches collaborating with Witney Fairtrade to transform the lives of some of the poorest people on earth.”