GARDENERS have been praised by Wallingford residents for the town’s bright and beautiful floral displays.

Worshippers at Wallingford Methodist Church in particular have thanked the three members of Wallingford Town Council staff responsible for keeping the town trim.

Mayor of Wallingford Bernard Stone also joined the chorus of praise. He said: “There are only three staff in our parks department, but they do a tremendous job and Wallingford is looking absolutely superb at the moment with all the different floral displays.

“It’s not just the floral displays they work on, they do lots of different maintenance jobs and cut the grass on places like the Kinecroft.

“Wallingford isn’t actually in a bloom competition, but the attractive displays mean people get a very good impression of the town when they come here.”

Senior steward at the Wallingford Methodist Church, in St Leonard’s Square, David Kershaw, said many of the congregation parised the gardeners.

Mr Kershaw, 74, who lives with wife Barbara, in Winterbrook Close, Cholsey, was headteacher at Wallingford School for 21 years until he retired in 1999. The lay preacher said: “The church fronts on to St Leonard’s Square and when we open our doors, we see the flowers, it’s a lovely display.

“Esther Chamberlain, who is a member of the congregation, first mentioned the flowers and said we should thank the council, so we have done.”

Mr Kershaw, also a long-serving member of the town’s drama group the Sinodun Players, said floral displays around the town centre have created a good impression this summer.

He added: “Wallingford is really in bloom at the moment and is looking very attractive and I think that encourages visitors to the town to come back.

“Tourists who come here will no doubt think it is a nice place to be.

“There are hanging baskets outside the town hall and lots of hanging baskets sponsored by different businesses.