WILDLIFE enthusiasts will be able to head down to SS Mary and John Churchyard at twilight next Wednesday to hunt for bats and moths.

Bat detectors, which convert the sounds bats make when hunting to find their prey into sounds audible to the human ear, will be used to hear the bats. Moth traps, which don’t harm the insects and allow them to be released afterwards, will also be used.

The Victorian churchyard in Cowley Road is now closed for burials.

It is managed for wildlife by a team of volunteers, including warden Daniel Emlyn-Jones.

He said: “The churchyard is a wonderful wildlife area and community resource.

“We want to make it the sort of place everyone can enjoy and this event is a great way to do that and also to learn about wildlife.”

The event begins at 8pm and will be followed by Fairtrade hot chocolate and cookies.

Anyone interested in helping to look after the churchyard can go along any Wednesday between 10am and noon to join the team.