GRAND Designs TV presenter Kevin McCloud’s plans for Northway will be on show at the annual Northway Open Day on Sunday.

The event is being held on the Northway football field next to the community centre and organisers are taking the opportunity of a likely large gathering of locals to showcase the plan.

Northway Community Association secretary Graham Bellinger said: “The purpose of the day is to promote the new development but there will also be various activities going on.”

Mr McCloud was granted planning approval for 21 flats at Westlands Drive, 47 houses in Maltfield Road and a new community centre in Northway on June 12.

Work will begin in late 2014 with plans for the flats to be completed in the autumn 2015 and the houses and community centre in early 2016.

Oxford city councillor for Headington Hill Mohammed Altaf-Khan said: “People in Northway are still concerned about it and so there will be a table outlining the full plans to try and explain to people a bit more what the plans are. There will also be a model showing the development.”

But the day is not just about showing the development plans. There is also a range of activities planned.

These include an inflatable slide, a bouncy castle, a rodeo bull and a bungee run with prizes given for who can stay on the bull for the longest time and who can run the furthest in the bungee run.

There is also a penalty shootout, a massage tent and international food stalls.

Tea and cakes are available, and there will also be an ice cream van. It is hoped that more than 200 people will attend.

Councillor Altaf-Khan added: “It’s a day out for the community and for local people to meet each other.

“Northway has its own identity and it gives an opportunity for people to get to know the neighbours and the community.

“Lots of people who work at the hospital come to Northway and so this day gives a chance for the new arrivals to get to know the settled community.”

The family fun day, which is now in its third year, will cost about £2,000. Much of this comes from Councillor Altaf-Khan’s ward budget.

The day runs from noon until 6pm.

The multi-million pound scheme is being done in conjunction with a development project in Barns Road, Cowley, where there will be 40 flats with a residents’ roof garden and community rooms with a garden at ground level.

The £18m scheme will be built in Cowley and in Northway by TV presenter Kevin McCloud’s development company Hab in partnership with housing association GreenSquare in a joint venture called Haboakus.

Some residents opposed the scheme as it will replace the existing community centre with a new one but Oxford City Council approved it earlier this year.