LINDA Walker, in her bikini, was the star of this sideshow at the Wingfield Hospital fete at Headington, Oxford.

Judging by the looks of the crowd, her appearance obviously caused quite a stir.

But we’re not sure what was happening, other than the fact that Linda looks wet and what looks like a cascade of water is hovering in front of her. Can she or anyone else tell us?

Also among the attractions that year was the slippery horse – here Peter East shows how not to do it. Also on site to sign autographs was actor Robert Beatty, whose credits include Doctor Who, The Invisible Man and Where Eagles Dare. Did anyone meet him and get an autograph?

The Wingfield fete, in the grounds of what had become the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, was one of the best attended summer events in the city, attracting hundreds of people every year.

These pictures date from 1970 when between 3,000 and 4,000, including many former patients, attended. More than £1,000 was raised for hospital amenities.

The hospital dates back to 1871, when it was the Wingfield Convalescent Centre. It became a military hospital during the First World War. But by 1929 it desperately needed rebuilding. Lord Nuffield, then Sir William Morris (see story, top right), donated £70,000, allowing new wards and nursing accommodation to be built.

The hospital was renamed the Wingfield-Morris Orthopaedic Hospital. The name was updated in 1950 to the Nuffield Orthopaedic Hospital.