THE Oxford Mail quite rightly had the outrageous rise in train fares as its lead story earlier this week (‘Fury over rail rise’, August 14).

But while the report included comments from a wide range of people, including local MPs Andrew Smith and Nicola Blackwood, no mention was made of the one thing which would end the on-going nightmare for rail commuters – namely bringing Britain’s railways back into public ownership.

The reason why our train fares here in Britain are up to 10 times higher than in mainland Europe is because they are privatised.

Under the present system, billions of pounds are transferred each year from the pockets of long-suffering commuters to wealthy shareholders and fat cats.

The train companies not only charge us the highest fares in Europe but also receive around five times more in taxpayer subsidy than the much-maligned British Rail did prior to privatisation.

It’s one gigantic scam, and the Great Train Robbery known as ‘privatisation’ makes the one carried out by Ronnie Biggs and his gang 50 years ago pale into insignificance.

Biggs and co got away with £2.6m – the railway privateers have got away (perfectly legally) with billions.

The Campaign for Public Ownership is a cross-party group fighting to restore the railways – and all the other utilities and national assets privatised since 1979 to full public ownership.

We call on all rail commuters outraged by the latest fare increases to join our campaign. It’s time, once and for all, to derail the Great Rail Privatisation Rip-Off.

Director, The Campaign for Public Ownership Ltd
Cedar Road