A FAMILY of five escaped from a fire sparked by a light fitting in the bathroom of their home.

Flames spread to the roof of the house in Bassett Road, Barton, last night at 11.30pm.

A young member of the family noticed the smoke and raised the alarm for the rest of the family to flee.

They had managed to get out of the house by the time the fire took hold.

Firefighters from Slade Park and Rewley Road fire stations used a carbon dioxide extinguisher to put out the flames.

Watch manager Shaun Betts said: “The house had a smoke alarm on the landing but did not work as the battery had been removed.

“If a young family member had not noticed smoke the fire could of developed into a fully involved house fire with dire consequences.

“A working smoke alarm on the ground floor will not detect a fire that happens on the first floor until it’s too late. Please make sure you have them on every level.”