Sir – I’m sorry to hear that Chris Brewer (Letters, May 30) is disappointed that only 30 new homes are included in the redevelopment of the Westgate shopping centre. This is, of course, 20 more homes than are currently on the site.

The substantial benefits from the new Westgate development will be an estimated 2,650 new jobs, including apprenticeships, for local residents. It will achieve a major regeneration of the city centre and significant improvements in pedestrianisation of city centre streets.

These proposals will bring £375m direct investment in to Oxford, much of which will go to local firms and local employees.

Clearly there will be more people coming in to the city centre but I doubt that customers who order from John Lewis online, and have their goods delivered by van to their front door, will be less polluting than those who will walk, cycle, or take the bus into Oxford and take their shopping home with them.

The simple fact is that for too long the Oxford retail catchment area has not had the number or range of shops that local residents expect to find in a county retail hub.

Mr Brewer should take account of the city council’s partnership with Grosvenor Estates which will be providing around 800 new homes on land west of Barton, and the proposals for the nearly 300 flats and houses on sites a few hundred yards away from the Westgate redevelopment as part of the Oxpens Masterplan.

The city council has also invested substantial sums to improve its own stock of council housing to the decent homes standard and beyond, and has introduced a path-breaking licensing scheme that is clamping down on poor rented housing with private landlords.

Between them, the exciting proposals for the new Westgate, and the ambitious proposals for Barton West and Oxpens will bring major benefits to Oxford. We do need more houses, but we also need new jobs and an improved retail and commercial heart to the city.

Bob Price, Leader of Oxford City Council, Oxford