Sir – The traders in Oxford’s Covered Market would like to say a heartfelt thank you to every member of the public who has taken the time to complete our petition forms.

We are overwhelmed by the comments you have made, and we very much appreciate the time and trouble you have taken. To date, we have over 11,000 signatures, and we can only hope that the council officers and the city councillors take the time to read just some of your comments before making any rash decisions over the future of the market.

Hopefully, they will listen to the public’s opinions and will help the traders to make the future of the Covered Market more in line with your and our views. As far as the rent increases are concerned, we are not looking for any handouts as has been suggested by some of the city councillors in the press.

All we ask for is a fair rent, taking into account the need to retain independent traders, and provide a space for them to trade in the city centre, thus helping Oxford to maintain its balance of trades. The traders do not feel that rent increases in excess of 40 per cent are either fair or sustainable. Once again a very big thank you to all of you for your support.

Chris Farren, Chairman, Covered Market Tenants Association, On behalf of the tenants of The Oxford Covered Market