Last week we had a blocked drain (similar problems had previously occurred down the road).

Dyno-Rod being unable to unblock it, they recommended calling Thames Water.

To be fair, even though it was after 10pm, Thames Water came out and after a very hard battle, a satisfying ‘glug’ emitted from the manhole and the gunk finally receded.

A camera was then passed down and it was found there was a problem with the pipe in the road.

This, the contractors reported, but to date we have yet to see any contractors to repair it.

It may not be deemed urgent but unless it is dealt with, the problems will continue.

Similar with the potholes.

Either those or the huge speed bumps on some roads have just cost a hefty packet (I am more inclined to blame the potholes – miss one, hit two – bull’s-eye!) on car repairs. If pipes and roads are not maintained it is us who suffer either way.

D HOLLOWAY Wenrisc Drive Minster Lovell