IN REGARD to Don’t waste our time (February 25), in my recent experience the patient transport ambulance does just that.

On February 8 at the JR, a doctor on my behalf phoned the patient ambulance transport service to ask them if they would take me from my home to the JR for an operation on February 25 as after the operation I would be unfit to drive.

He was assured by them I would be picked up on that date.

Guess what? No ambulance arrived to pick me up – what a shame.

I phoned the ambulance patient transport centre to complain, the manager was at a meeting and would phone back.

I have yet to get that phone back. I think that speaks volumes.

Some of those refused transport in these situations may drive to the JR, have the operation then drive home, have an accident and perhaps kill someone while under the influence of drugs.

Is the hospital transport service trying to fill the graveyards?

GLYN LIMMER Roosevelt Road Long Hanborough