I’M NOT one who believes the conspiracy theories regards the notorious and shady Bilderberg group, I just think it’s a group of rich, powerful, mainly white men, getting together to discuss ways of paying less tax and increasing their disgusting wealth. So why do politicians like Cameron and Osborne, who promised transparency, see fit to break yet another promise and attend this sultry group? I really cannot see them trying to better the position of the average UK citizen.

However, I can see them quaffing champagne and caviar and laughing at their increased wealth as the fat cats get even richer.

I like to bandy figures around, so how about the wealthiest 1,000 people in the UK have increased their wealth by eight per cent in the last year, to a record £450bn.

Top CEOs in Britain’s top companies have seen an increase in pay and bonuses of 15.8 per cent. Ordinary people’s wages are increasing by less than one per cent with the Retail Price Index at three per cent, while these creeps ingratiate themselves.

It just underlines the need for a complete overhaul of this corrupt political system the social democrats and right-wing have hijacked, not just in these islands but most of Europe too.

It also proves beyond doubt, that working, unemployed and vulnerable people are the ones who foot the bill.

Of course the old capitalist (or should I say state capitalist), myth that the stinking rich will throw the rest of us some crumbs, is as corrupt and defunct as the very system that allows this deformity in society.

TIM W SIRET Millmoor Crescent Eynsham