I MUST throw a different light on what I believe to be exaggerated claims of Bruce Ross-Smith in his letter (No Unity over Union, ViewPoints, June 10).

I was one of the group of photographers outside the Oxford Union awaiting the arrival of several celebrities that evening.

Others around me numbered some five or six mainly professional photographers trying to earn a living.

They are by the way a jovial harmless bunch.

I was there just to celebrity spot. The driver of the Mercedes was asked to move the car away from the Union entrance slightly so that clearer shots could be taken of Katherine Jenkins, the lady in question.

By no stretch of the imagination was the car blocking the road and her driver moved the car immediately after she walked into the Oxford Union.

I struggle to see why Mr Ross-Smith could not have waited a couple of minutes (which was all it took while Katherine Jenkins posed for photos) rather than claim he had to lift his cycle over the cycle rack banging people’s heads in the process, to continue on his journey.

Far more irritation occurs several times a day, week in and week out in Oxford while any number of foreign students and visitors in their ‘crocodiles’ block the streets and pavements in a far less delightful manner.

I am sure most red-blooded males would have only been too pleased to be held up while witnessing a free photo-shoot of Katherine Jenkins.

DAVE CLARKE Hugh Allen Crescent New Marston Oxford