CHEWED-UP grass verges on the main route into Oxford’s Rose Hill estate could be replaced by parking spaces.

Rose Hill city councillor Ed Turner says a solution needs to be found for the “eyesore” verges in Ashurst Way, which are being damaged by motorists parking on them.

He said discussions are under way to solve the problem.

Mr Turner said: “The verges get chewed up and really quite damaged.

“Ashurst Way is obviously the main entrance to Rose Hill and it is also a major bus route and a residential road.

“You want it to look nice and want to make sure you have got enough parking.

“This has long been an eyesore and it is about making Rose Hill more attractive.”

He added that there were no plans to introduce a controlled parking zone in the estate.

Residents have backed action by the council and are calling for the grass verges to be removed and replaced with parking bays.

Ray James, chairman of the Rose Hill Tenants and Residents’ Association, said: “Ashurst Way is a particular problem because it is a bus route and if cars park on either side it does provide a very narrow route. The road does have these verges as an alternative for people to use and of course it churns up and makes it look unsightly.

“For me if the money was available in Ashurst Way I would rather see those grass verges lifted and parking bays put in.”

He added: “I am glad to hear the council is thinking of doing something.”

Bill Buckingham, secretary of the Rose Hill Community Centre Association, said: “It is about time they did do something.

“It has been going on a very long time.

“So many cars and vans park along there.

“If the council can do something about it, then great.”

Vim Rodrigo, 80, of Rivermead Road, Rose Hill, added: “Remove those verges and make proper parking bays and people can actually park there.”