RESIDENTS are calling for additional speed signs in Wolvercote because hundreds of drivers have been ignoring the 20mph limit.

Thames Valley Police carried out speed checks in March which revealed that drivers in Godstow Road were breaking the speed limit.

The checks carried out showed that between 7.30am and 9am, 232 drivers were going faster than 25mph in the 20mph zone.

Now residents want more speed reduction measures to be introduced. Charlotte Croft, 37, of Home Close, Wolvercote, said she was concerned for the safety of her two daughters, Maisie, nine, and Tilly, six, and added: “I’m becoming increasingly alarmed by the speed of the traffic haring down Godstow Road, using Wolvercote as a rat run.

“My daughters are now of the age that they want to ride bikes to school and potentially cross the road to the swings next to the Red Lion.

“But I can’t let them go on their own at the moment because I’m worried they would be knocked down.”

On March 20, police speed checks in Godstow Road near the Post Box shop showed that between 7.30am and 9am, 196 vehicles were travelling under 20mph, 97 vehicles were travelling from 20mph to 24mph, and 232 vehicles were travelling over 25mph.

Following the checks, Pc Sharon Wellstood of Oxford north neighbourhood team, told Liberal Democrat county councillor Jean Fooks that she had “serious concerns” about some drivers ignoring the pedestrian crossing near the Post Box as children walked to school.

Mrs Fooks, county councillor for Wolvercote and Summertown and city councillor for Summertown, said: “As far as I am aware, drivers are not being fined for travelling over 20mph in a 20mph limit and drivers are being sent warning letters if they are caught travelling over 25mph.

“There are signs up indicating that Godstow Road is a 20mph zone but we need better reminders for drivers.

“I have asked county council officers to see what they can do to reduce the speed of the traffic in the village.”