MENTION Cowley Road, and you might think of graffiti, exotic food outlets and perhaps some colourful characters.

But a new guided tour of East Oxford reveals the road’s hidden corners and secret history.

And the tours are being led by the city’s homeless.

StreetView Oxford is a non-profit making company formed by students in Oxford University’s social entrepreneurship society Enactus.

On Saturday, the first 10 paying customers discovered the secret side of Cowley Road. Leading the tour was Anthony Ralph, 50, who has experienced life as a homeless person in Oxford.

Mr Ralph, who grew up in Kidlington, and worked abroad before returning to Oxford, lost his job as a forklift truck driver four years ago, and spent three months at the O’Hanlon House shelter in Luther Street.

Now in secondary stage rehabilitation housing, he was asked if he would participate in the scheme.

The tour began at Bartlemas Close, opposite the former Regal cinema, now the Christian Life Centre.

Just 50 yards away from Cowley Road, the sounds of traffic fade away and are replaced by bird song.

At the end of the lane is the 14th century Bartlemas Chapel, and the even older Bartlemas House, used in the 12th century as a leprosy hospital.

Mr Ralph said: “This is the only place in East Oxford that gives you an idea of what it was like in medieval times.

“There was nothing then between here and The Plain.”

Although Mr Ralph admits he does not have all the historic dates at his disposal, he does have the perspective of someone who has lived in the city.

As he led the tour through the graveyard of SS Mary and John Church in Cowley Road, Mr Ralph said: “Fifteen years ago, this was where you got your prostitution and drugs, but thankfully that has all changed now.”

The tours cost £5 for each customer, some of which is used to cover the running costs and the rest given to the tour guide.

At the moment the tours are due to run indefinitely every Saturday at 2pm, starting from Manzil Way.

One of those on Saturday’s inaugural tour was 19-year-old material sciences student Pieran Maru, who plans to move to Cowley Road next year.

He said: “I wanted to find out a bit more about the area, and I have.

“I didn’t realise there was so much greenery and common areas.”

Organiser and maths student Adam Monk, 19, said: “I have been on three or four test tours and each time there is something different.”