Two teenagers have been charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

The pair, who are 16, appeared in Oxford Crown Court on Friday, April 26.

The pair are charged with assaulting Song Tian in Oxford on March 17. They were bailed to appear at crown court on June 26.

  • Addendum: Monday, May 13: Today Judge Ian Pringle made an order at Oxford Crown Court banning the Oxford Mail from publishing the two youths' names, which it had done legally following the April 26 hearing. Judge Pringle said he should have made an order at the time. He rejected a claim by one of the defendants' solicitors, Macnab Clarke Solicitors of Abingdon, that the Oxford Mail had contravened reporting restrictions in this case. He cited a longstanding Court of Appeal ruling that demonstrated no effective order was in place after the Oxford Mail submitted the claim by Macnab Clarke was baseless in law.