THE challenge is on to turn Oxford orange at this year’s Town and Gown run.

The race, supported by the Oxford Mail, is in aid of the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign.

For the first time this year organisers have launched a contest for the best outfit for those taking part.

And because the charity’s colour is orange, participants are invited to come up with inventive costumes in a striking tangerine hue.

Toya Champ, challenge events manager for the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign, said: “We have seen some great costumes over the years.

“Last year’s runners included a troop dressed as Dick Van Dyke or Mary Poppins, a fireman and even a waiter with a full tray of drinks.

“This year, we are asking runners to put all that creative energy into celebrating our charity colour and turning Oxford orange.

“We have already seen some pretty impressive costumes, so runners are going to have to put their thinking caps on and get clever to capture the crown.”

The 10km run, which this year takes place on Sunday, May 12, has so far raised more than £1m for the cause.

Among the first groups to put themselves forward for the costume competition are a group of runners known as Bertie 23. The team has been raising money since the death of their friend, Bertie Brookman, who died of limb girdle muscular dystrophy aged just 23.

After completing 23 events this year, the Devon-based runners have turned their attention to the Oxford Town and Gown run.

Runner Nick Watson said: “While deciding which events to get involved in this year, we came across the touching story about Chris McKechnie in the Oxford Mail.

“He is taking part in the race for his two young sons, who have muscular dystrophy. His sheer commitment to train for and complete the race reminded us of why we started Bertie 23 in the first place – for someone who was really important to us.”

And the group will be hard to miss, as they have decided to dress in bright orange Lycra all-in-one bodysuits, like the animated clay character Morph.

To take part in the costume contest, send a picture of yourself dressed in your orange outfit, accompanied by a sentence on why you should win the Town and Gown Crown for fancy dress. The winners will receive a commemorative “crown” cup, a framed copy of their photograph and their picture will be published in the Oxford Mail.

Winners will be chosen in four categories, individual and group in both junior and senior races.

  • Send entries to with names and ages of those taking part by Wednesday, May 15.