OXFORD Mail readers are being given the opportunity to shape the paper’s future with a series of focus groups later this month.

It will be a chance to discuss all aspects of our coverage, what you like, what you dislike and what you would like to see more of.

The focus groups will comprise of up to 18 readers each and will last for two hours, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.

Those taking part will be paid £20 for their time and there will be tea, coffee and biscuits available at the events.

The first two groups will take place at the Oxford Spires Four Pillars Hotel in Abingdon Road on Tuesday, May 21, and Wednesday, May 22.

The Oxford Hotel in Godstow Road will then host the third meeting on Thursday, May 23. Patrick Corr, an experienced market researcher, will lead the panels.

To take part, contact Jo Coady at the Oxford Mail on 01865 425521. You can also email jo.coady@oxfordmail.co.uk to give us your details, including a daytime contact number.