YOU may or may not agree with him but in Dr Tim Hands, the master of Magdalen College School, at least we have someone prepared to speak up for his beliefs.

Dr Hands has criticised the Education Secretary Michael Gove, accusing him of pushing through “damaging” reforms for political reasons.

That, in turn, has drawn flak from Melinda Tilley, the county council head of education.

Too often people shy away from public criticism of others in authority. Teaching unions routinely take a pop at the likes of Mr Gove. But Dr Hands is also about to become leader at the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference.

The usual course is to discuss problems behind closed doors and present a harmonious front to the public.

That is all too often nothing more than deception of the public.

However, Dr Hands’ strident criticism gives us the chance to quote Winston Churchill: “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.”

All the better for children following Dr Hands’ infleunce that they have a future ability to stand up for their principles.