A DRUG dealer has been jailed after he tried to sell crack cocaine and heroin to an undercover policeman.

Rudy Pollard, of Lucy Faithfull House, in Speedwell Street, Oxford, was convicted of two charges of possessing crack cocaine and heroin with intent to supply and two charges of offering to supply the drugs.

The 35-year-old also admitted two charges of possessing controlled drugs after he was caught with five wraps of heroin and six of crack cocaine.

During his trial at Oxford Crown Court a jury heard he approached Pc Oliver Jaques, who was working undercover, in St Thomas Street, Oxford.

Peter Pride, prosecuting, said Pollard had asked the officer: “You waiting for L and D?”

Mr Pride said these were abbreviations for “light” and “dark” which acted as codenames for “crack” and “heroin”.

He said: “That is why he went up to a police officer, because he was offering to supply him with drugs.”

Mr Pride also said Pollard had been seen dealing earlier in the day.

Jane Malcolm, defending, said her client had fallen back into crime to fund his addiction after almost 10 years of staying out of trouble.

She said: “He accepts that he was selling Class A drugs to fund his own crack cocaine and heroin habits.

“He has had an addiction to Class A drugs since he was in his 20s. He is now 36 years old.

“Early last year his stepfather died of cancer.

“He was someone who he was very close to – he doesn’t have contact with his biological father.

“This was relatively low level dealing in the streets, intended simply to fund his own addiction.”

She added that he was now taking methadone to try and wean himself off drugs.

Recorder Philip Brooke Smith said he had no choice but to send Pollard to prison.

He said: “There will be treatments, I hope, which will be available in prison, which will mean you can look forward on release to a drug-free future.

“Because that is the only way you are going to change your life.

“You are a long-term drug addict it is important for you to try and break that habit.”

He sentenced Pollard to two years in prison for each of the possession with intent to supply and offering to supply counts, to run concurrently.