QUEEN Beatrix of the Netherlands has decided that at the age of 75 and after 33 years on the throne it was time for her to hand over to a new generation.

I am given to wondering whether our own Queen should not follow suit?

Given that Queen Elizabeth has reigned for 61 years and that she and Prince Philip are 87 and 91 respectively, do they not deserve to retire gracefully and enjoy the remainder of their lives in the country with their dogs and horses?

Surely they have earned it.

I freely admit to not being a monarchist but I’m not a republican either and remain fairly open-minded on the subject.

Charles and Camilla are no spring chickens themselves but perhaps they should have a few years at the top job while William and Kate Cambridge raise a family.

The Queen, I believe, has served our country well and deserves credit and respect for her commitment and dedication.

However, everyone deserves a happy retirement in good health.

It might be your time ma’am and you’re lucky enough to be able to afford a good, comfortable retirement.

ANDREW CARTER Burford Road Witney