THE rally organised by The Coalition for Marriage held in Witney (April 30) was very well supported and sent a clear message to David Cameron that his vote for gay marriage will cost him dearly in the next general election.

The national spokeswoman for The Coalition for Marriage, Dr Sharon James, stated at the meeting that David Cameron has been influenced by ‘metropolitan elite’ who are pressing for gay marriage, bringing changes that will affect school policies on normal behaviour guidance offered to the children.

There is a clear question as to whom Cameron wants to represent, the metropolitan elite, or the welfare of the nation’s children?

Adults can make up their own minds as to what is acceptable behaviour, children need the guidance that good parents and teachers have provided for centuries.

Once gay marriage becomes lawful, teachers will be expected to refer to gay sex as acceptable normal behaviour.

Bullying of gays will not stop.

Unfortunately. we will see a massive increase of this problem.

ALBA THORNING (MRS) York Road Headington Oxford