I WONDER if the large numbers of people who held parties or celebrated Mrs Thatcher’s funeral were nasty or perhaps just misguided?

Thatcher lied to parliament about UK military help to the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, later acknowledged by John Major in 1991. She told Neil Kinnock: “There is no British Government involvement, of any kind.....”. “We liked the British”, a Khmer Rouge fighter told a reporter.

Thatcher lied when the Argentine destroyer, the Belgrano, full of young conscripts, was sunk sailing away from the exclusion zone, killing 323.

Thatcher stopped exports of milk to Vietnam in 1979, pure revenge for their defeat of a superpower. Their kids were going blind due to lack of vitamin C, as Oxfam and Save The Children made clear to the UK Government. So it wasn’t just our kids who lost out regards milk.

In the ‘Arms To Iraq’ enquiry, Lord Richard Scott stated the entire Thatcher Government lied while selling weapons to Saddam Hussein.

After the gassing of 5,000 Iraqi Kurds, her government doubled Saddam’s trade credits.

Her famous friendships with dictators like Pinochet, Suharto and South African apartheid leaders, while calling Mandela a terrorist, are well documented in history.

People celebrating her death may be misguided, the aforementioned policies? Just plain nasty.

TIM W SIRET Millmoor Crescent Eynsham