POLITICAL leaders have spoken of the importance of local newspapers like the Oxford Mail as we give you the chance to shape this paper’s future.

The Mail is planning a series of focus groups later this month for readers to suggest ideas as part of a wide-ranging research exercise. It will be a chance for you to discuss with us what you like about the Oxford Mail, what you dislike and what you would like to see more of.

Oxfordshire County Council leader Ian Hudspeth said: “Local journalism is important because it picks up on the key local issues that mean a lot to the residents of Oxfordshire, in particular with the Oxford Mail, and it gives the opportunity for journalists to hold to account local decision makers.

“It is very important for the country that we have a good, robust, independent and strong local newspapers.”

He added: “I think it is important that people get involved in the consultation so that we can have the press that we want in Oxford.”

Oxford City Council deputy leader Ed Turner said: “Oxford would not be Oxford without its Oxford Mail – an essential part of keeping local people informed and holding us all to account.

“It really improves the quality of local democracy to have, particularly, a daily local newspaper.”

He added: “I would encourage readers to get in touch and say what they would like to see from their paper.”

Regional newspaper sales manager Tom Mitchell said: “Most of us live our lives locally and the Oxford Mail has an important role to play in making local life better. The Mail is part of the local community and is proud to support and campaign on behalf of local issues.

“We want to ensure that we continue to provide relevant news coverage for our readers.

“One way our readers can help us to do this is to take part in one of our focus groups.”

GET INVOLVED Panels will be held at Oxford Spires Four Pillars Hotel in Abingdon Road on Tuesday, May 21, and on Wednesday, May 22. On Thursday, May 23 the third session will be held at The Oxford Hotel in Godstow Road.

Eighteen people are needed for each focus group which will be held from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.

Each person taking part will be paid £20 for their time and tea, coffee and biscuits are provided.

To apply, call Jo Coady on 01865 425551 or email her at jo.coady@nqo.com Let us have your name and address and a daytime contact number.