A VILLAGE pantomime has handed out more than £5,000 to 25 different organisations.

Launton Village Players staged its 27th annual pantomime, Goldilocks, during the February half-term and raised more than £5,100.

Among the organisations to get cash was Bicester Foodbank, Launton Friends of Cancer Research, Oxfam and Book Aid International, which provides books and training to libraries in Africa. And staff at the foodbank, which is based at the Methodist Church, in Sheep Street, on Tuesdays and Fridays, were given a treat as four cast members – Goldilocks and the three bears – in full costume, delivered its donation.

Foodbank founder Janet Ray said: “It’s about Bicester people helping Bicester people. We have increasing numbers using it.

“A year ago there were around six families who used us each time we opened, now we are seeing between 15 and 20 each time we open.

“Local people have responded very generously to the growing need, and our donations of food have increased. But of course we also need money to pay for things like our storage depot, running costs of our van, and for food we buy in response to urgent need.”

Martin Evans, director of Goldilocks, added: “Each year we ask members of the Village Players to suggest organisations we should support, so we have a very wide range of charities. This year we have more money to give away than ever before and have donated £5,100 to good causes, some very local, some national, and some international.”

The foodbank is hoping to expand the number of days it is open but needs new premises. Anyone who can help should call Mrs Ray on 01869 357181.