PLANS to shake up the way developers pay contributions towards local services in Oxford will be examined by a planning inspector.

Oxford City Council hopes to replace existing “section 106 payments” with the Government’s new community infrastructure levy.

The idea behind the new policy is to make the process fairer, faster and more transparent.

Currently, councils and developers negotiate contributions to things like transport links and schools under section 106 of the town and country planning act 1990.

The negotiations often lead to lengthy, confusing lists of contributions and can go on for a long time.

The council’s plans, which include a flat rate charge of between £20 and £100 per square metre of development depending on what type of building is being planned, will be examined by planning inspector Geoff Salter.

He begin hearings into the plans on May 29 at the Town Hall, and will listen to representations from the council and developers.

City executive board member for development, and Labour councillor, Colin Cook said: “I think it will simplify the whole system and give a bit more clarity to developers.”

Under the proposals, developers will not be charged if they build affordable housing, offices for charities or buildings with less than 100 square metres of floorspace.