JURORS were reminded yesterday of the stories of two young women who told the Old Bailey that as children they were given alcohol and bullied into sex.

The jury heard a summary of evidence from alleged victims of a child sex gang who claim they were threatened, burnt, and repeatedly raped.

Nine men – aged between 25 and 38 – deny involvement in a sex exploitation ring and abusing six girls aged between 11 and 15.

Judge Peter Rook, summing up, recapped the evidence given by the unnamed alleged victim Girl 2.

She told the court she had been abused aged 14 by defendants Kamar Jamil, 27, of Aldrich Road, Summertown, Oxford, and brothers Akhtar, 32, and Anjum Dogar, 31, both of Tawney Street, Oxford, in 2006.

The judge told the jury the witness had said the men gave her alcohol before “pestering” her to perform sex acts and have sex.

When she refused, she was threatened with guns and burnt with a lighter, the jury heard.

The judge said she also said: “Knowing I was in a care home it was easy for them to come and find me. They had threatened me and I was scared.”

There are eight charges against the men relating to Girl 2, including rape and sex trafficking.

Judge Rook also summarised evidence given by Girl 1.

The witness said she was groomed, given drink and drugs, and abused by Jamil, and the Dogar brothers, when she was aged between 13 and 15 from 2004 and 2007.

Nine defendants deny a total of 66 charges.

The trial continues.