BETTY Woodley (ViewPoints, April 26) tells Steve Bennett to “leave the city council to do its job”.

Quite apart from the vital element in any democracy of Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Who watches the watchmen?), Mr Bennett’s letters to the Oxford Mail demonstrate that the voice of informed dissent is alive and well in Marston and Oxford and should be heard loud and clear in today’s county council elections.

While it can of course be argued that letter-writers, petition-creators and local campaigners are self-appointed and not elected, the UK has a long and crucial history of challenge by and from independent voices; and it is to the Oxford Mail’s credit that it gives space to both Steve and Elaine Bennett and to those who disagree with them.

As an immigrant to the UK from Canada, who has lived and worked here for decades with my British wife and children, I find Betty Woodley’s comments on immigrants regrettable; fortunately there are economic and social arguments and facts which could disabuse her of her views, however deeply held those views may be.

Meanwhile, long live the voices of informed dissent.

BRUCE ROSS-SMITH, Bowness Avenue, Headington, Oxford