READERS are still needed to take part in focus groups to help shape the future of the Oxford Mail.

We are looking for people to tell us what they think about the newspaper and help us to shape its future.

As a result, three focus groups will be staged later this month so that readers can tell us what they particularly like about the paper, and what they would prefer not to see.

We will listen to all the feedback we receive and then try to incorporate as many ideas and suggestions as possible in the paper.

Regional newspaper sales manager Tom Mitchell said: “The sessions will be run by Patrick Corr, from a well-known market research company, and there’s no doubt that people’s views could dictate the content of the Oxford Mail in future.

“We will get lots of copies of the Oxford Mail and other newspapers as well and have a detailed look through them to stimulate debate.

“We will look at the front pages and ask people what they think about stories on Oxford United, or floods or accidents.

“We want to know about readers’ preferences when it comes to the use of photos and other aspects of the paper.

“We know that sport is a real hot potato and we will ask readers what they want to see in terms of sports coverage.

“Do they want to see coverage of swimming, golf, football, kids’ sports and grassroots sports? And we will want details about readers’ profiles including their ages.

“It will be a good opportunity for people to chat about the paper they read regularly and we will cover as much ground as we possibly can, including where people buy the Oxford Mail.

“It’s our intention to learn as much as we possibly can from these focus groups and our aspiration is to deliver changes as quickly as possible, although inevitably we won’t be able to take up every single suggestion.”

Oxford Mail editor Simon O’Neill added: “This is a chance for readers to have a big say in the future of our newspaper.

“They are the perfect judges on how best we can improve our every day coverage and we welcome their involvement on the focus groups.”



  • Panels will be held at Oxford Spires Four Pillars Hotel in Abingdon Road on Tuesday, May 21, and on Wednesday, May 22. On Thursday, May 23 the third session will be held at The Oxford Hotel in Godstow Road.
  • Eighteen people are needed for each focus group which will be held from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.
  • Each person taking part will be paid £20 for their time and there will be tea, coffee and biscuits provided.
  • To apply to be a panel member, telephone Jo Coady on 01865 425551 or email her at
  • Tell us your name and address and let us have a daytime contact number.