THOUSANDS of revellers were on best behaviour for yesterday’s May Morning celebrations in Oxford.

A heavy security presence at Magdalen Bridge thwarted potential troublemakers and there was no repeat of chaotic scenes which have marred previous events.

Police reported six arrests overnight but said none were linked to the May Day event held to mark the start of summer.

Crowds began to thicken on the bridge at 4am as bleary-eyed partygoers emptied from city pubs and clubs which had stayed open all night. An Oxford City Council spokesman said about 6,000 people gathered near Magdalen College.

With two sets of barriers blocking the bridge’s potential jumping points and security patrolling the area there was little attempt to gain access.

In 2005 about 40 people were injured after jumping off and the bridge was closed to the public until 2011.

As the Magdalen College choir climbed the tower to sing Hymnus Eucharisticus the crowd of thousands enthusiastically roared approval.

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Cherwell pupil Sophie Bennett, 17, said: “I don’t know why anyone would want to jump in anyway; it’s far too cold at this time of the morning. This is the third time I have been and I love it, it’s a great event and celebrates the real diversity of Oxford.”

Spirits were high but council officials in high-visibility jackets could be seen and heard marking out anyone they suspected of attempting to leap over the barriers.

Oxford’s police area commander, Supt Christian Bunt, said: “I am pleased to say that there were no problems and no arrests made at the May Day event on Magdalen Bridge and the security operation ran very well.

“I was out on patrol throughout the evening for the night-time economy celebrations and there was a good atmosphere and everyone appeared to be enjoying the festivities.

“During the course of the evening, we made a handful of arrests which are less than we would expect for a busy night in the city.”

Of the six arrests, two men were held on two different assaults, another man was arrested for criminal damage, one man was arrested on suspicion of possession of class A drugs, and one man was arrested for a public order offence outside Lava Ignite nightclub in Park End Street.

And a woman was arrested for refusing to leave the city centre after being issued with a Section 27 notice linked to alcohol-related disorder.

Paramedics also reported a quiet night.

South Central Ambulance Service spokesman James Keating-Wilkes said: “We encountered no significant problems.

“We treated three people for minor injuries including cuts, bruises and general revelry.

“We are delighted that the May Morning celebrations turned out to be a very enjoyable event for the public.”

The city council is already turning its thoughts to next year’s event, according to cultural development manager Ceri Gorton.

She said: “We are glad so many came out in glorious morning weather to hear the Magdalen College choir.

“We have worked closely with our partners to make it work, and will now go away and look at what we can improve and how we can build on today for next year.”