AN OLD Bailey judge has this morning reminded jurors of how a young woman told them she was raped and sold for sex as a child by a gang in Oxford.

Judge Peter Rook, summing up for a second day, was recapping the evidence given by the alleged victim known as Girl 1 in January.

Girl 1 claims she was groomed, given drink and drugs, and abused by defendants Kamar Jamil, and Akhtar and Anjum Dogar, when she was aged between 13 and 15 from 2004 and 2007.

All nine men on trial deny involvement in a child sex ring and abusing six girls aged between 11 and 15.

Judge Rook told the jury Girl 1 had dismissed suggestions from defence barristers that she had lied in the witness box as she had done so often as a teenager.

Quoting her, he said: "I have not come here to lie about it.

"I may have lied a lot at the time because I didn't want people to know what was happening to me."

And the judge reminded the jury that when asked why she kept returning to the men, Girl 1 said she was acting like a "battered wife". She told the court she was "partly scared, partly feeling some kind of loyalty".

The judge also said the witness had said she hated the "sexual element"of mixing with the men but liked the excitement of drink and drugs.

The jury heard that when asked whether she was voluntarily prostituting herself for drugs and money, the witness had said: "I was not like an escort making mega bucks. It was not the case that I was prostituting myself."

Judge Rook quoted Girl 1's response when she was asked why she had decided to give evidence.

He said she said: "It became apparent to me for the first time I was going to be believed and people were going to do something about a matter that had been going on for a long time and I believed had been covered up."

The judge also described how her parents had told the court their daughter had turned from a "wonderful" girl to a "lost soul".

But the judge told the jury they would have to decide themselves how reliable the witness was.

The trial continues.

Nine defendants deny 66 charges. They are:
-Kamar Jamil, 27, of Aldrich Road, Summertown, Oxford, denies five rapes, two charges of conspiracy to rape, one of arranging or facilitating child prostitution, and one of trafficking for sexual exploitation.
-Akhtar Dogar, 32, of Tawney Street, East Oxford, denies five rapes, three charges of conspiracy to rape, two of arranging or facilitating child prostitution, and trafficking for sexual exploitation.
-Anjum Dogar, 31, of Tawney Street, East Oxford, denies three rapes, three charges of conspiracy to rape, two of arranging or facilitating child prostitution, and trafficking for sexual exploitation.
-Assad Hussain, 32, of Ashhurst Way, Rose Hill, Oxford, denies rape and two charges of sexual activity with a child.
-Mohammed Karrar, 38, of Kames Close, Cowley, denies seven rapes, four charges of conspiracy to rape, two of trafficking for sexual exploitation, two of arranging or facilitating child prostitution, serious sexual assault, conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child, using an instrument to procure a miscarriage, and supplying a Class A drug to another.
-Bassam Karrar, 33, of Hundred Acres Close, Cowley, denies three rapes, three charges of conspiracy to rape, two charges of arranging or facilitating child prostitution, and trafficking for sexual exploitation.
-Mohammed Hussain, 25, of Horspath Road, Cowley, Oxford, denies three charges of sexual activity with a child.
-Zeeshan Ahmed, 27, of Palmer Road, Wood Farm, Oxford, denies two charges of sexual activity with a child.
-Bilal Ahmed, 26, of Suffolk Road, Maidenhead, denies sexual activity with a child.