THE Oxford Mail is giving you the opportunity to shape its future.

As the primary source of news and sports in Oxfordshire, we aim to constantly improve and add to the service we offer.

That is where you can help. We are planning a series of focus groups for readers to put forward ideas and suggestions as part of a wide ranging research exercise.

There will be a chance to discuss all aspects of the Oxford Mail’s coverage, what you like, what you dislike and what you would like to see more of.

The focus groups will comprise up to 18 readers each and will last for two hours, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.

Each person will be paid £20 for their time and there will be tea, coffee and biscuits.

The first meeting will take place at the Oxford Spires Four Pillars Hotel in Abingdon Road on Tuesday, May 21. The second will take place at the hotel the following day, and the third meeting will take place on Thursday, May 23, at The Oxford Hotel, Godstow Road. Panels will be led by Patrick Corr, an experienced market researcher.

Oxford Mail editor Simon O’Neill said: “Newspapers and the media in general have changed a great deal in recent years but the demand for local news, sport and information that is timely and relevant is as great as ever.

“We need to be constantly evolving to meet the requirements of our readers. After all, it is their paper, not ours. That’s why we are holding these focus groups for readers so they can be involved in the future development of the newspaper. There is no one who knows what is best about our newspaper and what could be improved better than our loyal readers.

“They see it and judge it every day and those opinions are invaluable to us, positive or negative.”

Regional newspaper sales manager Tom Mitchell now wants readers to come forward to give their opinions.

He said: “We want to give our readers the newspaper they want – we need as much help as possible to shape it for the future. Pick up the phone and be part of one of these focus groups. People don’t have to come prepared – we just want to hear their views.

“I’m sure readers will find the discussions enjoyable.”

  • To take part contact Jo Coady at the Oxford Mail on 01865 425521. You can also email to give us your details, including a daytime contact number.