I AGREE with Mr Siret (ViewPoints, April 25) about facts.

For example, in this country there are over 160 officially certificated unions, with over six million members.

Every employee is legally entitled to join a trades union. Every employee is legally entitled to be represented by a trades union representative.

Trades union reps are legally entitled to paid time off work.

An employee is legally protected against any discrimination for being a member of a trades union and I have recently taken part in electing a trades union official.

None of Mrs Thatcher’s employment legislation was repealed during the last Labour government. So much for a baseless assertion on Tory ideology “destroying” unions.

Ed Miliband has recently, publically declared that there is no going back to nationalisation and state-controlled industry and Mrs Thatcher’s general economic policy of lower personal taxation was also continued throughout almost all of the last Labour government. Much of Mrs Thatcher’s legacy is far from dead.

Yes, facts can get in the way of promoting myths!

IAN CUMMINGS, Gibson Close, Abingdon