Elaine Bennett (ViewPoints, April 24), appears to be dissatisfied with Cllr Mary Clarkson’s reply (April 18) to Elaine’s previous letter (ViewPoints, April 4).

I thought Mary had addressed Elaine’s concerns most adequately and may I add that she didn’t have to make a reference to Cllr Michael Haines as did Roy Darke in his reply to Elaine (ViewPoints, April 12).

Isn’t it time this issue was put to bed so to speak.

I agree with Elaine’s comment that some of the Old Marston parish councillors may have difficulty in interpreting plans which are passed around the table and the suggestion that any who wished could attend planning training at the Town Hall is an excellent idea.

The county elections are almost upon us but there has been very little literature through the door, let alone a knock on the door from any of the candidates.

Michael Haines, our independent city councillor, was asked by some to stand for the county to represent Marston and Northway.

However, he feels that he must concentrate on the issues he feels that he is doing and that he could not give his all to both jobs.

I feel that no councillor could manage both jobs to the best of his or her ability, especially if they have a job.

Mark Lygo is city councillor for the Churchill Ward and is standing for the county for Marston and Northway.

Charlie Haynes is standing as an Independent for Marston and Northway and I thought I would mention this so he isn’t confused with Michael Haines.

MICHAEL CLARKE, Lewell Avenue, Old Marston, Oxford